Saturday, May 5, 2012

Carrot cake

1 pound carrot di sagat 4 extra large eggs, at room temperature 1 1/2 cups sugar 1 1/4 cup canola oil any minyak sayur pun boleh 2/3 cups brown sugar 2 teaspoons vanilla essence Finely grated zest of 1 large orange (sagat kulit orange tapi jgn sampai nampak the white layer. Yg itu pahit) 2 1/4 cup flour (gandum biasa) 1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder 1 teaspoon baking soda 1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg (optional) - buah pala. Tapi sedap, kalau you masukkan sikit 1/2 teaspoon salt 1 1/4 cups toasted walnuts 1 cup raisins Cream Cheese Frosting 12 ounces cream cheese, softened 4 ounces unsalted butter, softened 2 teaspoons vanilla 1/2 teaspoon lemon juice Method Sift (ayak) the flour with soda and baking powder. Add castor sugar. Whisk eggs until frothy in a separate bowl. Add in vanilla essence. Pour egg mixture into the flour and stir well. Then add grated carrots followed by cooking oil. Add in the chopped pineapples and stir well. Then add in the raisins and walnuts. Pour mixture into a greased and floured tray and bake in a preheated oven at 170°C for 45 minutes. Remove from oven and allow to stand to cool before applying frosting. Frosting Put cream cheese and butter in the bowl of an electric mixer. Beat on low speed till blended. Gradually add icing sugar (sifted) and continue beating until smooth. Add vanilla essence and lemon and allow to beat till well combined. ** The best part is mixer only used for topping, cake mix dgn tangan je :)

puding oreo

1 paket agar-agar stripe (20 g). 12 keping biskut oreo (inti putih diasingkan)         5 cawan air 1 cawan gula 1 tin susu cair (nak guna susu segar pun boleh dalam 2 cawan) serbuk koko daun pandan 1 sudu tepung kastard 1. masak agar-agar bersama daun pandan hingga hancur. 2. masukkan gula, masak hingga hancur. 3. sambil tunggu agar2 hancur blend halus oreo. 4. masukkan susu cair ke dalam oreo yg telah hancur. kacau sebati. 5. campurkan sedikit serbuk koko dan tepung kastad ke dalam bahan susu cair. 6. setelah agar2 dan gula hancur blh la dicampurkn oreo tadi ke dalam periuk agar2 dan kacau hgg sebati. 7. tutup api dan blh tuang ke dlm bekas... then sejukkan (telah ku ubahsuai mengikut seleraku) sumber:

Ayam goreng madu

Bahan-bahan ( 3-4 orang )

500gm ayam-potong besar

1 camca teh jintan putih-goreng tanpa minyak n kisar

1 camca teh jintan manis-goreng tanpa minyak n kisar

1 camca teh ketumbar-kisar

2 ulas bawang putih-kisar

2 biji bawang merah-kisar

50ml madu



gajus goreng n daun pudina-hiasan


1. bersihkan ayam dan perap ngan bahan kisar selama 3 jam.

2. goreng ayam hingga garing, angkat n ketepikan.

3. kurangkan minyak, tumis bahan lebihan perapan ayam tadi hingga naik bau, masukkan madu, kacau.

4. masukkan ayam, gaul sebati ngan kuah. taburkan gajus n hias ngan daun pudina.


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